When I made the Oak Slab coffee table, I had a piece left over. I wanted to use this for something. I decided to make a clock for my daughter. It turned out to be an awesome project, and I was able to get my daughter in the shop with me. We had a blast working together on this project.
We used some pink TransFast wood dye to dye the pieces pink. (she chose the color) I relly like the TransFast dyes. They are water soluble and mix up really well. The clock is finished with several coats of wipe on poly.
Overall, I’m very happy with how it turned out. I’m even more happy that I got to work with Hayley on a project together. Since classes like wood shop don’t seem to be available in schools anymore, I think its very important for kids to get some hands on time, building something. You can check out the video of the build below.
Build a clock from an Oak Slab