Now here’s a project I think lots of people who do metalworking could benefit from. Its a simple buffer for buffing metal. This can be used for lots of things like, knifemaking, guitarmaking, and a myriad of other uses. This is a very simple design, and could very well turn into another build down the road, but for now it works for its intended purpose.
I started off ordering a buffing wheel from #notsponsored. To attach the buffing wheel to the motor, I ordered up an arbor that attaches to the motor shaft. Similar to this one, Putting the motor together is very simple to do. Just slip the arbor onto the shaft of the motor, tighten the set screws, then attach the buff to the arbor.
Next, I wanted to add a wooden riser, to raise the motor assembly off the table top. This was also very simple to make. I used some 1/2″ plywood to create a box, and a larger piece of 3/4″ plywood for the base. This will allow me to clamp the buffer to a work surface. After bolting the motor to the top and adding a power switch, my simple project is complete.
I tested this out by buffing some guitar frets with some green buffing compound. It worked great. I already have a few ideas for version 2, if I ever get around to building it. For now, this is a solid unit that will work great for me.
Check out the build video.
My Homemade Shop Buffer