Making Pencil Holders with my Daughter

I like to get my Daughter involved with some projects. Even at her age, there are many things she can take away from learning how to make things. This time we are making some Fish Pencil Holders.
We used some cutoffs from other projects for this build. Starting with a paper template, we traced our outline onto some hemlock and mahogany. Then cut it out on the bandsaw. After drilling and countersinking holes for the pencils and some sanding, Hayley decided our fish need some eyes. I drilled some holes and glued in some contrasting dowels. For the pupils I added a piece of fretboard marker left over from a guiltar build. After a bit more sanding, I applied a few coats of clear laquer. All that was left was to try it out. They work great.
Sometimes, the project is not all about being super fancy. This was one of them. This was about getting Hayley in the shop, and helping to create something. Like the country song says, “She thinks we’re just fishing”.
Check out the video below.
