I have pencils all over the place. Its actually my preferred writing utensil. Sometimes it can be a challenge to keep them all corralled together. Its about time I made some pencil holders for them.
After rummaging through the scrap bin, I found a piece of Hemlock, and a piece of purpleheart that will work great. I resawed the Hemlock and planed them to thickness. Then I cut some squares from the purpleheart to make the base. After mitering the corners of the hemlock, I used the handy masking tape clamp trick, to get it glued up. Once it was secure, I then glued the hemlock to the base.
After all that glueing, I gave it a good sanding down to 220 grit. Then a few coats of spray laquer sealed it all up. Man, does that purpleheart look awesome with some clear on it!
I’m super happy with the way these turned out. They are simple to make using whatever pieces of wood you have on hand. I really like the contrast of the light colored hemlock and the purpleheart. I think its one of my favorite color combinations in wood.
You can check out the build video below.
Pencil Holders