Shaker Peg Shelf with Simple Joinery

With the completion of my Homemade 2″ x 72″ Belt Grinder, I needed to order some belts. One of the things that appealed to me about these grinders, is the amount of different belts available for them. I ordered up a variety of belts and now so I needed to keep them organized.
I decided to use just materials I had on hand. This consisted of some Pine pallet wood, some 1/2″ Baltic Birch plywood, and some shaker pegs that belonged to my Grandpa. This would be a great way to use up some left over materials and keep the cost of the project way down. I wanted to demonstrate that you don’t need a shop full of fancy tools to build cool projects so usine a combination of a table saw, circular saw, hand saw, cordless drill, and and an old school Drill Brace, I machined all the parts that would make up the shelf. After a tricky glue up, mainly because I was using butt joints only for the construction, I had the shelf together. A little spray laquer sealed it all up, and a few screws attached it to the wall.
This project came out great and now my belts and grinding discs have their very own place in my shop. I hope this project demonstrates (at least a little) that it is possible to make cool projects without hundreds or even thousands of dollars of specialized tools. This entire project could be made with a hand saw and some kind of drill.
Want to check out the build video? Just scroll down.
