Well, it is time to begin working on some of the actual pieces for the acoustic guitar build. Today I’ll be jointi...
READ MORECategory: Hayley Guitars
A shooting board is a simple but important jig to have in your woodworking arsenal. It allows you to use a hand plane to...
READ MOREBuilding a Shooting Board for building an Acoustic Guitar
Its time to get started on my first acoustic guitar build. Before I can do any work on the actual guitar, I need to make...
READ MOREHow to make a mold to build an Acoustic Guitar
Well, Its official. I’ve been challenged to build an acoustic guitar this year. I have several friends who have bu...
READ MOREI’ve been Challenged to build an Acoustic Guitar
Its time to get the finish applied to this bass guitar body. Instead of trying to explain everything in words, I would l...
READ MOREApplying the Dye and Finish on the Bass Guitar
Welcome to part 3 of the Bass Guitar Build. Today, I’m working on the relief cut in the headstock. This is where I...
READ MOREBuilding a Headstock Shaping Jig for my Bass Guitar build
A few weeks ago, I began building a bass guitar. The first installment was making the body. This week, the project conti...
READ MOREBuilding a Bass Guitar Neck
Its time to begin a new guitar build. This time its a bass guitar. This build is a commission and not entirely my own or...
READ MOREBuilding a Bass Guitar Part 1 | Building the Body
Many guitar builders use templates to create their various parts and pieces. These templates are typically made from MDF...
READ MOREDuplicating Guitar Templates – Do this first when building a guitar
Have you been putting off installing binding on a guitar you’re building because you feel a bit intimidated by the...
READ MOREHow to Install Guitar Binding with Acetone
Welcome to my official submission video for The Great Guitar Build Off 2021. This video is an overview of the entire bui...
READ MOREThe Great Guitar Build Off 2021 | My Hayley Guitars Dorian Overview and Final Submission Video
Well, the Hayley Guitars Dorian is all together and ready to sing. I called on my friend Jesse to give this guitar a tes...