My Daughter recently got a new felt Cowboy Hat and needs a place to store it so that it won’t get damaged or lose ...
READ MOREMy Daughter recently got a new felt Cowboy Hat and needs a place to store it so that it won’t get damaged or lose ...
READ MOREIts time to get back to working on the acoustic guitar. The finish has cured for a couple of weeks. Its now time to leve...
READ MOREI’ve had this log sitting here for quite a while. I began milling it a while back, but after hitting a nail and du...
READ MOREA couple years ago I made a leather belt for my Daughter. If you know anything about kids, they’re always growing....
READ MOREThere’s a trend that I’ve been noticing lately where people ask a specific question about a certain process ...
READ MORENow that the neck is carved, I’m ready to set the neck angle. In order to get that angle correct, I want to have t...
READ MOREAfter getting the neck roughed out in the last episode, its now time to get the neck done. My first task is to cut the m...
READ MOREWith the colder weather fast approaching, its time to get some much needed maintenance tasks done. I built this little b...
READ MOREOur schools are out for a couple of weeks for fall break. Since my daughter will be home during that time, we decided to...
READ MOREWith the body complete, I’m now ready to begin making the neck for my acoustic guitar. Since the back and sides ar...
READ MOREI’m making more progress on the acoustic guitar. I need to trim the top and back plates flush with the sides. Then...
READ MOREI’m reconfiguring my desk to make it better for video editing and guitar playing. I decided to use some of my 19...