Guitar Binding Tower Plan Pack (requires use of a 3D Printer)


  • Includes the exact dxf, and .pdf files I used to make my tower
  • Includes the .stl files for all 3D Printed parts including the Donut, Drill Guides, and Retraction Spring Housing
  • Includes a complete parts list with prices and sources for reference
  • File is in a downloadable .zip file
  • Designed for the Bosch Colt 1HP Trim Router
  • These files require the use of a 3D Printer

The Mk2 Binding Tower features a constant force spring retraction which helps reduce downward pressure on the guitar you’re working on.

You will need to supply your own Bosch Colt 1HP Trim Router and have access to a 3D Printer to make the parts.

Please see description below for more information on this including cost of materials to build this jig.

With this plan pack you can build your own Binding tower to cut your guitar binding and purfling channels. I have included all the files I used to build my tower. You’ll get .dxf files with dimensions, .stl files to 3D Print the same parts I used, A complete parts list of the components I used, and pictures with annotations.

If you’re wondering how much it might cost for you to build your own jig like this, the cost of the components I used was around $150 USD. This does not include the Bosch colt 1HP trim router, a few miscellaneous bolts and screws, a scrap of plywood for the base and of course a 3D Printer. If you have some materials on hand already, it could likely cost less than that.

This jig is designed to work ONLY with the Bosch Colt 1HP Trim Router. If you currently have a different router and would like to use that, you will need to drill the aluminum angle base to accept your router. I have only supplied the hole location for the Bosch Colt 1HP Router.

While I have tried to include all the information you might need, if you purchase this pack and find that there is something I left out, please reach out to me. I’ll send it to you and add it to the pack for future purchases.


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